
帶妥器材、要準備測試的第一堂課沒想到不小心遲到了!一踏進教室,就瀰漫著一股寧靜的氛圍,每個人都直勾勾盯著自己筆電不發一語 …-佳爾追夢計畫


趕緊放好東西坐下來問了旁邊的同學現在正在做什麼,原來是大家在測試相機與電腦的連接,漸漸地有些人忘記帶線、買錯器材的聲音此起彼落 我才鬆了口氣,也沒那麼緊張了。


這次上課看到大家,雖然手忙腳亂地在測試軟體、試著搞懂 QP 卡的原理、色彩空間的應用,但每個人都會互相幫忙,像是有用 Sony 相機的同學們一起測試連接線,學長姐們也跑來跑去的教還沒成功的人,讓我感覺這個課程不像剛來時那麼的嚴肅,其實還蠻溫馨的!



“It’s over! It’s only ten minutes late, so I won’t miss anything important!”

I quickly put things away and sat down and asked the classmates next to me what they are doing now. It turned out that everyone was testing the connection between the camera and the computer. Gradually, some people forgot to bring the cable and bought the wrong equipment. I was relieved. Not so nervous anymore.

Seeing everyone testing cameras of different brands, the images of dozens of cameras on the table are quite novel to me, because although I have been taking pictures since high school, I have always been alone. Shooting, I have been groping all the way. After going to college, there are many people who play photography around, but for us, photography creation is a very personal and very personal thing. The moment we press the shutter, we always is alone.

In this class, I saw everyone. Although they were busy testing software, trying to understand the principle of QP card, and the application of color space, everyone would help each other. For example, students who used Sony cameras tested the cable together, seniors and sisters. There are also running around to teach people who have not yet succeeded, making me feel that this course is not as serious as when I first came, but it is actually quite warm!